COFFIELD, COFIELD. The Coffield, aka Cofield, line of my family came from Ireland. They travelled all over America and Canada in a covered wagon. The story goes that they decided where to go next by using a ouija board. They camped in tents near farms and orchards. It didn't occur to me until recently that they may have been Irish Travellers. Other surnames associated with this family are Craig, Powell, Parsons, Dykeman. Does anyone know anything about the Coffields? Sara McGrath Sept. 2003
GIBBONS. I was raised in a childrens home, or orphanage in England, called Dr. Barnardos Homes. My family were Irish Travellers, and I was taken away from my mother as a young child. My grand father William Gibbons moved to England with his parents as a young man . They lived in a wooden caravan and travelled the English countryside. William made money drawing pictures of Churches and cathedrals, during world war two he took a job in a munitions factory in Somerset. This made him sick and he died of cancer at age 46. His wife Florence, and my mother Dorothy, sold all his drawings to survive, they then took jobs in service moving from town to town. I live in North Carolina, I found my mother in 1994 and she visited me and my 15 year old daughter in October of 2002. She was able to fill in some of the blanks, but by no means all, due to not learning to read or write untill recently. I would like any in formation on how to contact other possible family members, in Ireland or the US. How can I find Irish Traveller groups in America? J. Moen Sept. 2003
McKeown. Does anyone know if the surname McKeown is of Traveller origin? McKeown is my mothers maiden name. Her ancestors were from Ireland. I notice in her family tree were the names Herron, Lee, Boswell, Cooper, Young etc. These names were frequently listed in her family tree. The McKeowns came from Ireland in 1700's and settled in South Carolina before moving on to such places as Mississippi, Virginia, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Texas. Tresvan or Tresvant is a common name in our family. My grandfathers middle name was Tresvan. If you recognize these names, would you write me? I am just tracing my origins and stumbled on to this. Thank you Bobbie Smith 16 August 2002
Please submit queries to ye webmeister (FCLARK@Bigfoot.com, please mention the Traveller web site.)
Anyone with information on Travellers in the Americas (North American and South America, as well as USA), please contact ye webmeister.
Copyright ©2000, Dr. Frank Oliver Clark. These documents may be freely used for private purposes, and included in your own genealogy. However, this document is copyrighted and may not be sold, nor given to anyone who may attempt to derive profit from same.